Ever so slowly our trinkets and tidbits are beginning to see the light of day. Some have been packed away for these last seven months, and some since the previous move which was a year and a half before that. Did I mention that since this time in 2008 that we've moved THREE times?! This last move really took it out of us in so many ways and I think perhaps that is the reason why it's taken us so, so very long to finish working on our {upstairs}space. I think I may have forgotten how attached I have become to some of these objects, how some can transport me back in time. The small painting at the back of the photo was purchased in Tiburon when we lived in Marin County for a year in the early 70's. I smile when accessing the incredibly large vault of wonderful memories from that time. I was very young but the memories haven't seemed to fade. The jar in the front was my grandmother's. She was an extraordinary person and I hold on to those memories with a very firm grasp. Others are gifts from my beloved and they too remind me of the beauty in life. We have many more to unpack and I'm looking forward to finding where each piece will have it's place in our bedroom.
What are some of the things that spark good memories for you?
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